Progressive Web Apps vs. Native Apps

Progressive Web Apps vs. Native Apps

We embed and collocate with tech teams, we code alongside you and provide technical mentorship to help you become the highest functioning version of yourself, that is the required plug. I promised I would say that, that’s why they let me sit up here. So I’m done with introducing myself, and we’re gonna just jump right into introductions for our two esteemed guests here.

Hopefully you’ll find what we are going to talk about interesting. I only know it’s a debate. I don’t expect too many fist fights or anything like that going on here, so I think it’ll be safe. So, I work at IBM. I manage a team of mobile developers, as well as a team of DevOps platform engineers. The focus of our team is to build great products, mobile as well as in my larger organization grab products that our employees use on a daily basis to make their work productive, that’s simply our goal. And my responsibility among that goal is to provide people with great mobile products that they can use when they are on the road or meeting with a customer or at a soccer game after work or whatever it is, so that’s what I do.